Essential Reading

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This list is periodically revised.

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Dead Dog Walking
By Anna Walters
Williamette Weekly; July 8, 2015
What happens when a husband-and-wife team fight to save the life of every violent dog?
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The enduring agony of a pit bull rampage
By Carolyn Starks and John Keilman
Chicago Tribune; August 13, 2006
Polly moved toward the shapes on the lawn. One of them had short legs. The thick brown hair was matted with rain and blood. Polly's eyes traced the familiar curve of the hairline and the straight line of the little nose, a near match of her husband's.

"Oh my God," she cried. "That's my son, that's my son, that's my son ..."
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Pit Bulls
By Gary Wilkes
(originally published in Off-Lead & Animal Behavior, Spring 2010)
If a community wishes to dramatically decrease vicious dog attacks, it can be done. The real issue is whether a city council is more concerned about the safety of the community or wishes to yield to a supposed right to own breeds known to be more dangerous than others.

In the minds of many administrators and politicians, facing an angry dog advocate is less terrifying than looking into the face of a grieving mother -- as it should be.

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Debate: Animal Rights
Richard A. Posner & Peter Singer, Slate Magazine, 2001
. . . The famous epistolary debate between Richard A. Posner and Peter Singer. Navigate through all eight sections beginning with Mr Singer and ending with Judge Posner. They discuss what, if any, ethical obligations humans have to animals. . . .
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Effectiveness of breed-specific legislation in decreasing the incidence of dog-bite injury hospitalisations in people in the Canadian province of Manitoba
Malathi Raghavan, et al; University of Manitoba
. . . Despite the study limitations listed, trends in population-level outcomes studied collectively suggest that BSL in Manitoba may have decreased DBIH in people, especially in those younger than 20 years. Our study adds to the limited body of evaluation literature that shows a decline in DBIH as a result of government regulation.
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Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs.
Bini JK, Cohn SM, Acosta SM, McFarland MJ, Muir MT, Michalek JE; TRISAT Clinical Trials Group.
Department of Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center
Conclusions: Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites.
NOTE: This article is currently available only through subscription or purchase.
Read the abstract, or purchase full article
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Recent articles:

Rather Than Fix the Problem, Houston Officials Ship Stray Animals Off to Other States
   by Craig Malisow
   Houston Press; February 17, 2015

