
Saturday, February 26, 2011

SRUV writes to WGAL8 TV

To:  WGAL 8

I noted with interest your interview with Chief Margeson of the Carlisle Borough Police.

I commend WGAL 8 for coverage of the recent Pit Bull attacks in Carlisle. I note, however, that the wrap of the interview included a light-hearted reference to a study published in AABS (Applied Animal Behavior Science), which claims that Chihuahuas and Dachshunds are more aggressive than Pit Bulls. This is farcical, considering the damage inflicted during a Pit Bull attack. The AABS report has been widely cited by Pit Bull advocates but has been criticized by legitimate animal researchers.

At least four people have died from Pit Bull attacks already in 2011 (Fatal Pit Bull Attacks). In addition there have been numerous non-fatal attacks on humans and uncounted attacks on animals including horses, llamas, and of course other dogs. Many of these attacks are too horrific to recount. Pit Bull advocates ignore these attacks and can point to no such horrors from other breeds. Reporting which ignores the horror of Pit Bull attacks dishonors the victims, human and animal, who have suffered from them.

Information on Pit Bull attacks can be found at and elsewhere.


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