
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jack Russell

Judge Rules Pit Bull Not Dangerous After Attack in Pecos 4/5/11

Meron Berkson
CBS 7 News
April 5, 2011

PECOS - A decision has been made after a Pit Bull attacked and killed a Jack Russell Terrier at a Humane Society Mobile Care Unit in Pecos.

The owner of the Jack Russell filed a civil suit trying to get the Pit Bull euthanized claiming it was a “dangerous dog”. According to State law, a dog is considered dangerous if it attacks a human, not an animal. But the case of attacking another animal could be brought to a judge for further review.

After a neighbor’s testimony about the Pit Bull and Animal Control said the dog did not seem harmful in their care, the judge ruled that it was not a “dangerous dog” and ordered the owner to pay for the vet bills. The dog was returned to its owner.

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